Sydney Berk as Sir Andrew Aguecheek
in Twelfth Night 2021

Uma Paranjpe as Oliva
in Twelfth Night 2021

Daniel Light as Oberon
in A Midsummer Night’s Dream 2022
Without you, there would be no us...
Catskill Mountain Shakespeare is made possible thanks to generous donations by individuals, local businesses and corporations. If you are interested in making a Tax Deductible Donation to help us continue our passionate work, please explore our various Donor Levels. These are outlined below and each come with specific benefits. Also, be sure to check about Donation Matching within your own communities to expand your reach.
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Please select a Benefit Level and Payment Amount and press the button below to link with our PayPal page, input the amount of your donation and submit. We will contact you acknowledging receipt, confirm your Benefit Level and any other details you might need. Thank you!
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Prefer to make your donation by mail? Please send a check made out to Catskill Mountain Shakespeare to the address below. Please include a name and contact method so we can thank you properly!
Catskill Mountain Shakespeare
1870 Spruceton Road
West Kill, NY 12492